Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reproductive Choice

Reproductive choice is the right to choose whether or not one should conceive a child or not. However, there are ways that feminists can better explain this definition. Feminists should think about whom or what is that shapes reproductive choice. There are many choices that women can make on the basis of reproduction.
Medicalization is a key component that women should have the opportunity to choose. For example, women should have a better opportunity to sample birth control pills when they are ready. If more young women were aware of the use of birth control as a way to potentially not get pregnant, there could be less young women getting abortions. All women should have an equal opportunity to access contraceptives.
Women should have a better opportunity to access health care in a safe and affordable way. Feminists should explain how women should have a stronger voice in expressing their opinion because they are the one’s carrying the baby. Women should also have better sterilization practices so they are not forced into unsanitary practices. If society understood the definition of reproductive choice broader, they would understand that women should be the one’s who have the right to choose. What this means is that women not only choose abortion rights, but rights concerning their health and the health of their baby. Also, society could offer better healthcare for young or single women. On the other hand, better explaining this definition may cause political controversies. Society may believe that the government would then be held responsible for the monies that some mothers would lack. Others may view mothers as being irresponsible or actually practicing abortion because of the usage of birth control. There will always be issues and controversies regarding reproductive choice and who should be able to make decisions.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poor Simulation

Statistics show that there are more women that experience a low-income situations then men. The reason for this is because most women are single mothers who do not receive child support from their ex-husbands. I believe the girls who were picked to be the mother, probably did not know how to act at first. The mothers were probably more worried about taking care of their children and allowing them to have the best life and put less focus on themselves. For example, one mother last her job and decided to get a job at the third night shift because it paid more. This would also mean that she did not spend anytime with her daughter.
The moms also had to make sure that their bills were paid for first. They also had the opportunity to sell some of their assets to a pawn shop or their car to a used car shop to get more money they may need for that week. It was shocking to know how many different ways a low-income family can survive because of all places that were offered. For instance, a babysitter, pawn shop, loan office, housing office, etc. These different places offer various ways to help low-income women. Women in these households definitely hold a great amount of stress.
It was interesting to see how the women tried everything they could to pay their bills and to maintain a certain amount of money. It is also hard to buy new things when you’re a single mother, and the mother’s knew that they did not look the part compared to higher class women. The women definitely feel stigma because of how they look and how much money they make. They may also feel shame because they have to put their children through the exact same thing they are going through. If the mother’s can afford to buy their children what the other children at school may have, the children may feel shamed which would make the mother’s feel stigma. Also, if the mother’s can not afford for the payments of a car then they would take public transportation which may cause embarrassment. Low-income does cause stigma for the children and especially for the mother because of the guilt she may feel because of the lack of income.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Western Feminists

Whether or not Western feminists should be involved in promoting gender justice in all countries, especially the lesser-developed ones, is a controversy that may never get solved. I feel that Western feminists should be involved in lesser-developed countries because gender inequality and abuse will continue unless something or someone does something about it. During the Fourth World Conference in Beijing, strategies were implemented to decrease gender equality, but we have yet to see much progress. I believe that Western feminists should take action.
Women from around the world are treated in ways that are socially or physically normal to their culture. Some lesser-developed countries believe in infanticide, rape, beatings, or even killing the women. For example, ten years after the Fourth World Conference, Indian men still pursue women from different countries because they believe the wives at home are not housewife material. This evidence of ten years after the declaration and Platform for Action shows that talking about continuing problems does not necessarily mean that they will be fixed.
Western feminists need to explain to the women of other countries the right way to be treated. They should explain the human rights that women should have and describe how women should be treated. Western feminists should be involved because they understand the human rights of women and they have experienced different gender inequalities first hand. It is also important that Western feminists explain the right way that women should be treated because many families from these cultures migrate to the United States. When these families migrate to the United States they bring their beliefs in culture with them, however, their culture practices may be illegal there. There are strategies that should be implemented to overcome the gender inequalities. Just asking governments to change the way they treat women does not work. Action needs to be done and Western feminists should be involved.