Sunday, April 5, 2009

Western Feminists

Whether or not Western feminists should be involved in promoting gender justice in all countries, especially the lesser-developed ones, is a controversy that may never get solved. I feel that Western feminists should be involved in lesser-developed countries because gender inequality and abuse will continue unless something or someone does something about it. During the Fourth World Conference in Beijing, strategies were implemented to decrease gender equality, but we have yet to see much progress. I believe that Western feminists should take action.
Women from around the world are treated in ways that are socially or physically normal to their culture. Some lesser-developed countries believe in infanticide, rape, beatings, or even killing the women. For example, ten years after the Fourth World Conference, Indian men still pursue women from different countries because they believe the wives at home are not housewife material. This evidence of ten years after the declaration and Platform for Action shows that talking about continuing problems does not necessarily mean that they will be fixed.
Western feminists need to explain to the women of other countries the right way to be treated. They should explain the human rights that women should have and describe how women should be treated. Western feminists should be involved because they understand the human rights of women and they have experienced different gender inequalities first hand. It is also important that Western feminists explain the right way that women should be treated because many families from these cultures migrate to the United States. When these families migrate to the United States they bring their beliefs in culture with them, however, their culture practices may be illegal there. There are strategies that should be implemented to overcome the gender inequalities. Just asking governments to change the way they treat women does not work. Action needs to be done and Western feminists should be involved.

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